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Saint Martin Lutheran Church worships in the sanctuary
at the Heritage Preparatory School in Midtown Atlanta

1824 Piedmont Ave. NE,  Atlanta, GA  30324


Worship service at 10:30AM Sundays


What to Expect at Our Services

We gather every Sunday morning for worship which lasts about an hour. At that time we hear God’s word read from the Bible and then interpreted in preaching. Our worship directors lead us in songs, prayers, and Communion. We like to chat and get to know each other over coffee after the worship hour. If you are concerned about what to wear, dressing with care shows respect for God and for all the other people who attend. Please wear what is comfortable for you and your family. We believe church services are not about what you wear but about worshiping God.

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10:30AM Service Time
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Children are welcome at the worship service. We provide entertainment bags with family friendly activities for busy little minds. A changing table is available.


Parking is at the rear of the building.  Enter the parking lot from Montgomery Ferry Road at its intersection with Piedmont Avenue.


From the parking lot, enter through the back door into the fellowship hall. For access without steps notify an usher at the back door; from the parking lot follow the sidewalk to the red side door where the usher will meet you. 

Classes (held during the school year)

 Adult Sunday School class 9:30AM on first floor


Children's Sunday School 9:30AM on first floor --

Come and see what Jesus is doing in you and your family’s life.  We have fun learning about God and the Church so please come join us and meet new friends.

What is Church?

We believe the Church is the body of Christ, people gathered by God around his Word and Sacrament. We see the mission of the Church carried out within individual congregations and the communities in which people live and work. We want Church to be near you in heart and mind, ready to assist with the ups and downs of life.

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