Welcome Visitors!
All people are welcome at Saint Martin Lutheran Church. We gather every Sunday morning for worship which lasts about an hour. At that time we hear God’s word read from the Bible and then interpreted in preaching. Our worship directors lead us in songs, prayers, and Communion. We like to chat and get to know each other over coffee after the worship hour. If you are concerned about what to wear, dressing with care shows respect for God and for all the other people who attend. Please wear what is comfortable for you and your family. We believe church services are not about what you wear but about worshiping God.
We are a part of the North American Lutheran Church, NALC.org. We are a church centered on Jesus Christ, animated by God’s love for us and all his creation, living life in God’s grace. We are grounded in the 2,000-year history of Christian faith, seeking to apply God’s wisdom to our lives thereby blessing ourselves and those around us. We rejoice in God's certain promise of eternal life that He alone has the power to bestow. We invite all to join us living in God’s community.

Do you have questions about communion?
We believe that in the sacrament of communion Christ is truly present in, with, and under the physical elements, wherein we truly do receive Christ for forgiveness, newness and assurance of eternal life. We invite all baptized Christians who come in repentance and faith to commune with us.